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The BIG Ticket: Ticket Buyers Have Been Trained to Wait! 


Our experiment continues. 

The open rate has been as high as normal, around 45%+.

The new subscribers, hello, have outnumbered the unsubscribes by about 7-1. 

So that’s great. 

I’m going to continue this next week…and as I get a little more comfortable, maybe, I can mix in a bit more of the teaching and analysis when the topic hits me. 

Let me know what you think by hitting reply. 

I caught this one from my Uber on the way to the airport. 

Scot Tobias says that ticket buyers have been trained to wait

Scot is right. 

As TicketHelp1 says, it is now about “find the suckers first and adjust.” 

Ticket Help is also correct. 


First, we’ve turned tickets into a commodity in too many instances. 

What does that mean?

All that matters is that people pay as much money as possible. 

Second, in 90% of instances, prices drop significantly in the last 24 hours. 

That creates two situations:

  1. I save money and maybe get a better deal. 
  2. We erode our brand value because we make the sale about the price. 

What Does This Mean?

I don’t think brokers are innocent here. 

They will drive the price of any ticket into the ground and claim, “the market has decided.”

At the same time, primary sellers will cut deals with the secondary market to secure cash. Then, they’ll turn around and moan about the secondary market. 

The #PaysToWait issue comes down to three things:

  1. You have to invest in your brand. You need to always keep an eye on making sure people realize how awesome going to an event is. It is a once in a lifetime thing, no matter what it is. 
  2. The big deal is to manage the brand equity of your event. Tickets going up in price isn’t as big of an issue in the long run as prices falling to $1. You need to keep an eye on both sides of the equation. 
  3. Incentives work. You need to make people buy early and hold their tickets. You do that with price, location, or some added value. 

We can talk about the incentives later. 

Let me know what you think. 

Just hit reply. 

BTW, if you dig this…share it with someone. It helps me grow the newsletter. 


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