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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
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Dave's Blog

Everyone Needs a Bat Signal

Hey! In The Batman, Batman and Lieutenant Gordon use the Bat Signal as a code to indicate that “I need to talk.” An underlying benefit of the Bat Signal is that it acts as a warning to Gotham’s criminals. Batman could be anywhere. A third benefit to the Bat Signal is that it tells the citizens […]
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Strategy is…

Hi!  We will have a special meetup on Teams on Wednesday, October 2nd at noon called “Strategy 101”.  Sign up HERE!  So, what are we going to going to talk about this week? My strategy framework:  I know that you benefit from a framework for thinking about your strategy.  Want to know what it is […]
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10 Commandments of “Innovation Led Growth”

Hey!  I’ve been doing some noodling on an idea: “The lost art of strategy”.  I’ll dig into that over the next few months.  But, this week, I began to hone in on the idea that strategy is about creating “innovation-led growth.”  Why does this matter?  To frame my thinking, I’ve put together 10 Commandments of […]
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