Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group
+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Better? Isn’t It?

I overhead a conversation this afternoon between two people that were putting on an event for a national organization.  The gist of the story was one person was amazed and happy that the tickets had been selling so well that they were sold out.  The other man, a superior, I think, asked the question….“That’s better […]
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The Next Logical Step…

When we talk about building relationships in business, we often start from the outset by looking at the end point. The end result of that relationship. That might be a sale. It might be a referral. It might be nothing at the time. But we never really talk about the process. And, that process is […]
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We Are All Storytellers

One thing I learned about working in selling tickets very early on is that it doesn’t matter what the exact location is most of the time, as long as you know how to tell a story to the person on the other end of the line.   You can get someone that calls you and […]
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Adding More Choices…

The Internet seems to be driven by choice. You don’t like a certain type of news, there is a choice for you that skews to your viewpoint of the day. You don’t like a certain song, changing it is easier than ever before. You are looking for something to distract you, sure…no worries. This goes […]
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