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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


A Path To Higher and More Value

One key to continual growth in your business is that you need a ladder of value for you to move your prospects and clients along. This is important because it is not likely that you are going to convert someone from an unknown to a huge client in one step, there are likely to be […]
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Rule #1: Discounts Are Bad, Okay?

One of the first things that marketers jump to when faced with a sales challenge is discounts! Stop! STOP! STOP! Discounts are one of the great brand destroyers and a crutch that has led to the destruction of the retail market as we know it. Think about this, you create a product or service and set […]
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Is Your Advertising Helping You?:

One of the big ideas that a lot of poor marketers jump to is that advertising has to play a big role in your marketing efforts. Or, that they are going to win over an entire audience with their advertising efforts. The dirty secret in advertising and marketing is that the only person that is […]
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10 Keys To Marketing Success

Marketing is an idea and a concept that is constant conversation on the Internet. And, just because there is so much discussion about it, that doesn’t mean that marketing is always done very well. In fact, with so many self-proclaimed “gurus” and “ninjas” populating the marketing conversation, it is surprising how much poor marketing occurs. […]
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