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Are You Interesting? A Case Study-ish!

I love the work of Louis Grenier.  He’s the guy behind EveryoneHatesMarketing.com What I really appreciate is Louis’s daily email about things related to “standing the fuck out” in his words.  This morning, he sent one about how do you have a lot of interests and put them together in a way that makes you interesting.  It is […]
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Start the Year Off with Strategy…

Sign up here and get this when it first posts to LinkedIn. Thank you for reading! Happy New Year. As the title of the newsletter might lead you to believe, we are focusing on profitability, opportunity, and growth here… One thing I spent a good deal of time talking about and thinking about in 2023 […]
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Is there a “right” amount to budget?

How much should you budget for marketing? This is one of the most loaded questions in the executive suite.  Should it be? No.  The reason it is a contentious topic is because too many marketers have fallen into the trap of marketing being the communications department.  The linked article above talks about a few important […]
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What’s the Difference Between Product Orientation and Customer Orientation?

Hi! I often look for examples of the difference between Product Orientation and Customer Orientation.  This morning, I got a note from Kevin Hillstrom about Orvis v. Nordstrom and their approach to merchandising.  Kevin points out that if Orvis misses, it might take several years to return from a misfire because they are building products their customers […]
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Private Equity Eats the Ticket Business!

Hi! Happy Holidays!  Don’t miss “First Wednesdays with Dave” on January 3rd when we discuss getting 2024 off to a solid start.  I’m sure we will hit on some strategy, branding, and marketing ideas. Plus, a Q&A. To the Tickets! Tim Chambers looks at the business of tickets and the PE model: I love this kind of […]
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