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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


10 Ways To Maximize Your Strategic Efforts

One of the constant challenges every business faces, no matter the economy or the sector is the struggle to have the right strategy. While nothing will make the need to focus your strategy unnecessary, here are a few ways that you may be able to think about strategy a little differently so that your strategy […]
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Which market am I looking for?

A lot of times we find ourselves in the wrong market. The reasons for this are likely many and I am sure if you spend any time in business, you find yourself facing this challenge. But the bigger issue is how do you overcome being involved or targeting the wrong market, so that you can […]
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Why your marketing is failing?!

There are a lot of challenges to establishing a consistent marketing message and delivery. Some of which are perfectly valid, but still not worth the cost to you and your ability to build a consistent presence in the market. Some of the more common challenges I hear about from my clients include: Wrong market: This […]
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