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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Politicians are marketers too…

I’m reluctant to speak in absolutes, but sometimes certain situations demand it… One of the areas I find myself working in a lot is politics…and lots of consultants and politicians like to act like they are doing God’s work or that they are pure in their intentions and too clean for the game… Whatever!  Politics […]
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Apple vs. Samsung…some observations

What’s lost in a lot of the debate over the Apple vs. Samsung battle for cell phone supremacy is what makes either manufacturer’s product remarkable vs. good or serviceable or, even, very good. In the battle of cell phones….the reason people anxiously await Apple’s products and the reason Samsung releases phones that are very successful, […]
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What Is Your Marketing Material Focused On?

I love reading other people’s marketing material because I am always looking for some new idea or have the hope that I will see something that can help me be more effective. Too often, I see marketing materials that are focused on the wrong things…like inputs. You know things like: “we do focus groups, surveys, […]
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What Is Your Marketing Material Focused On?

I love reading other people’s marketing material because I am always looking for some new idea or have the hope that I will see something that can help me be more effective. Too often, I see marketing materials that are focused on the wrong things…like inputs. You know things like: “we do focus groups, surveys, […]
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The 3 Keys of a Successful Business

I read the magazines, newspapers, and websites of a lot of organizations, journalists, “thought leaders,” and “gurus.” For the most part, there is some okay information out there, but there is also a great deal of bad information that is confusing and/or out right wrong. One of the worst is all the varying definitions of […]
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A Quick Sales Tip

Early in my career, I made a deal with American Express that lead to me generating about $5M a year in new sales for my company…and it eventually led to a $10M a year deal that was the largest of its kind at the time. Since I was early in my career, and didn’t really […]
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