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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


3 Ways To Shape A Better Value Proposition

When you set out to create a marketing and sales strategy for your organization, it is pretty essential that you start out by figuring out what your value proposition is. As the world becomes more and more competitive and it becomes easier and easier to find a service provider for your needs, your marketing and […]
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What Exactly Is Your Focus?

In a lot of organizations, you end up finding that everyone is off doing something else. The marketing department is looking at one set of data and focusing on one different problem. The sales team is off on it’s own special mission to make sales in an area that may or may not be the […]
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Do You Know Your Market?

Any great movie has a protagonist and an antagonist. Think conflict like: Superman and Batman! Or The Rebel Alliance versus The Galactic Empire! Now, what does any of this have to do with your business? Basically everything… Why? Because you have to know who you are attacking. In business, it is all too common for […]
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Do You Know Your Market?

Any great movie has a protagonist and an antagonist. Think conflict like: Superman and Batman! Or The Rebel Alliance versus The Galactic Empire! Now, what does any of this have to do with your business? Basically everything… Why? Because you have to know who you are attacking. In business, it is all too common for […]
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What Revenue Growth Really Means To You?

Everyone wants to grow their business…everyone. And, when that happens, the term that gets thrown around more and more is revenue growth, even if there isn’t anything attached to it. But revenue growth is actually more than just a fancy way of saying that we are going to make some more money, it is an […]
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