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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


#1 Marketing Mistake

Most of the time, your biggest marketing mistake is assuming that your message is desired or wanted. Typically it is not. That’s why it is pretty frustrating to see millions and millions of dollars wasted on poorly written, poorly targeted marketing.  Here’s the simple thing, if you are selling a service, a product, or yourself […]
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Marketing Isn’t That Tough

Most of your marketing should be common sense at this point… But there seems to be a persistent attempt by “gurus” and “ninjas” to try and persuade you that maybe their is a secret sauce to what your marketing should be. Here’s the deal… Marketing is pretty simple at a strategic level. It is a […]
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Marketing, first. Marketing, always.

At this point, almost all of us are in the marketing business… Don’t believe me, follow me… * Your local news station, if you are in a city like I am….you are faced with the challenge of cable, multiple network programs, or watching the news at all.  * The big white shoe law firm…any great […]
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At What Cost, Change?

One of my favorite advertisements was the for the Miami Heat when Pat Riley first became coach way back in the mid-1990s.  As a young basketball fan, I had been fascinated by the Lakers and as I grew older and began to play the game and moved into coaching the game, I was fascinated by […]
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