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Washington, DC 20008
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What’s The Frequency, Kenneth?

Do you remember that R.E.M. song from the mid-90’s? And, the attack on Dan Rather that spurred the title? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. But the reason I mentioned it was because it highlights a challenge that a lot of us face when we are working on getting our marketing message out…and that is: […]
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So what is the proper role of advertising in your marketing efforts? Well, it does have a role, but it is likely different than you think because when you are marketing a brand and trying to build awareness, advertising is the most ineffective way to deliver the results you are looking to achieve. Why? Advertising […]
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So what is the proper role of advertising in your marketing efforts? Well, it does have a role, but it is likely different than you think because when you are marketing a brand and trying to build awareness, advertising is the most ineffective way to deliver the results you are looking to achieve. Why? Advertising […]
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Marketing Really Is Branding…

  At this point in time, branding and marketing are pretty synonymous with one another. Because if you don’t do a good job of branding your business, you aren’t really marketing yourself at all. And, lately, I have been focusing a lot on the role of marketing and branding as powerful tools to generate business. […]
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3 Ways To Shape A Better Value Proposition

When you set out to create a marketing and sales strategy for your organization, it is pretty essential that you start out by figuring out what your value proposition is. As the world becomes more and more competitive and it becomes easier and easier to find a service provider for your needs, your marketing and […]
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