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Question: When Should You Compete on Price?

I’ve had several reader and listener questions on price that I have been wanting to record responses to…today, I’ll answer one submitted: The question is: What are my thoughts on when a business should or shouldn’t compete on price against competition with a similar/same product? I’ll point to three considerations before entering into a price […]
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2023: Are Discounts Still For Dummies?

         In 2015, I wrote a blog post on LinkedIn with the witty name: “Let’s Put This Bluntly: Discounts are For Dummies!”           At the start of 2023, I saw articles pop up about Tesla’s rush to discount their cars to “drive demand” and I decided it was time to revisit the OG blog post to answer […]
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The 3 Ps of Pricing

As I’ve been running my ongoing pricing survey, I got to think about ways that I can teach y’all about pricing that will help the concepts stick. This thinking led me to come up with the 3 Ps of Pricing: Let me explain: The Process: This is how you come to the price you are […]
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