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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Marketing isn’t

Marketing is misunderstood by a lot of people…even marketers. Marketing isn’t… Pleas for attention…that’s just advertising and probably poor advertising at that. Billboards, radio ads, Internet banners, or anything similar…that’s advertising as well and the effectiveness is dependent on your goals. It isn’t a snazzy video ad that pre rolls on YouTube…again, that’s advertising and […]
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Myths make people emotional…they tell a story in a way that digs down at the lizard brain (H/T to Seth Godin), and when you are dealing with products like a political candidate, a Mac, or a college athletic team…the myth that we tell ourselves is almost as important as the truth. As marketers, it is […]
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We don’t advertise..

And, here is why… First, there is so much noise that challenges your attention each day that it is tough for you to figure out what is worthwhile and what isn’t. But, more importantly, it is because for professional services…you don’t really find buyers on the Internet or through a newspaper or radio ad.  Instead, […]
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Marketing vs. Advertising?

I think too often people confuse the two.  You might ask, “Aren’t they basically the same thing?” The short answer is “no."  A longer answer would take many, many pages, but I want to give you a few quick examples so that you can start thinking about the ways to differentiate the two.  1.  Advertising […]
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