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Dave's Blog

⁉️ The Core Question of Strategy ⁉️

Do me a solid: take my 4-question NPS survey! (30 seconds or so!)  Fundamental Question: Why Do Some Succeed While Others Fail?  The Big Idea: You should think of strategy through that one question.  It will help you uncover the secrets of successful businesses. You will also see why causes businesses to fail.  Why It Matters: You want […]
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💭 Strategy: 3 Ideas and Go!

A good strategy: Gives you power. Has clear strategic choices.  Can be repeated. The Big Idea: Your strategy should have reason to it.  Strategy’s ultimate idea: Why are some businesses successful and others are not?  My lens of looking at strategies revolves around 3 ideas: Does your strategy give you more power? Are there clear strategic […]
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Pricing Happens at 3 Levels!

There are 3 stages of price setting: The process of setting the price.  The price that is set.  The selling of the price.  The Big Idea: Price is a complex decision that happens through 3 stages.  The new electric F-150 price shows us each of the levels.  Level 1: Setting the price: Price demands research The […]
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🔌EVs = Opportunity

Distribution matters.  The Big Idea: “People want to buy their cars like their shoes” has turned out to be wrong. Electric Vehicles (EV) are changing the needs of customers.  Instead of the dealer being a sales point, the modern dealer will need to expand their value to include: Education facility to teach people about EVs. Charging […]
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🛒Low Prices! That’s a Promise: Aldi

In the UK: Aldi’s sticking with low prices. The Big Idea: Brand Equity adds up slowly, but can get destroyed in a minute. That’s why Aldi’s plan to stick with their low prices during the cost of living crisis in the UK matters.  Why This Matters: Most brands make a brand promise to their customers that they […]
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🗺️Real Marketing’s First Step: Backwards

Your first step in marketing: a step back. The Big Idea: The foundation of marketing is Market Orientation. This is the idea that you don’t know anything without talking to the market.  Market Orientation demands that you begin your marketing efforts with research.  Why Does This Matter: There is a lot of marketing advice that tells people […]
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