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Washington, DC 20008
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Dave's Blog

3 Keys To Business Alignment

A term I will come back to over and over again is alignment. A very popular business term is “silo” or to use a terrible cliche: “stay in your lane.” But to have a successful business, you are going to need to break down some of the barriers to building relationships across business segments and […]
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4 Foundations of Revenue Generation

In building a strong revenue structure to support your business and your mission you have to begin with a solid base. The ultimate key to the success of your revenue model is the ability to create and maintain alignment between all of the key areas of your business, which I have identified as: strategy, operations, […]
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope you had a nice new year’s eve and that you have had the opportunity to start making plans for your new and continued success. To start you down the road of that success, I’m going to begin reviewing some of the key principles of revenue generation and how you can […]
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STOP Chasing Anyone! Focus On BUYERS!

So far we have been working our way through the foundations of strategic planning. Today I want to spend a bit of time focusing on one of the most vexing challenges that we all face, understanding who our buyers really are. In many instances, we have a lot of people that would love our value […]
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