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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
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Dave's Blog

So what is the proper role of advertising in your marketing efforts? Well, it does have a role, but it is likely different than you think because when you are marketing a brand and trying to build awareness, advertising is the most ineffective way to deliver the results you are looking to achieve. Why? Advertising […]
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So what is the proper role of advertising in your marketing efforts? Well, it does have a role, but it is likely different than you think because when you are marketing a brand and trying to build awareness, advertising is the most ineffective way to deliver the results you are looking to achieve. Why? Advertising […]
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Marketing Really Is Branding…

  At this point in time, branding and marketing are pretty synonymous with one another. Because if you don’t do a good job of branding your business, you aren’t really marketing yourself at all. And, lately, I have been focusing a lot on the role of marketing and branding as powerful tools to generate business. […]
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