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Dave's Blog

What If You End Up Going Wrong?

Strategy has been a theme around here for the last few weeks and one thing about strategy is that you are never going to always be successful. Which always presents an issue for the organization that is dealing with a faltering, struggling strategy. You know: sunk costs! You know the old saw that says: “Don’t […]
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3 Ways That You Can Look At Your Value

Value, as I wrote recently, can be a difficult conversation. The gist of the reason being that it is pretty easy to count, but it is really tough to measure something that can’t be easily counted. Which means that you are going to have to work very hard at identifying and telling the story of […]
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Value is a difficult conversation

There is a really good reason for that… 1. Counting is easy:  It is easy to lay out a series of tasks and check boxes. It is easy to follow a predetermined order. It is easy to follow the same course that has come before. 2. Measuring is hard: Understanding the distance between where you […]
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Decisions Are Interdependent

In many ways, we all want to feel like we can make decisions that stand alone, on their own merit…that the decisions we make are going to be just that, one simple decision. The problem is that when you make a decision, that isn’t the end of it. All decisions are interdependent and that can […]
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