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There’s always change


You see the picture above? That’s the Coca-Cola logo over the years. And, without much prompting, you can notice some significant changes in the logo over the years.


This one is Apple. Again, a lot of change over the years.

But what is the point of all of this, that brands and their images change.

If I took the time to do the research, you would be able to find articles that have reference the change and evolution of any number of famous brands over their history. Look at how Starbucks has changed two or three times in the past 20 years.

I only show these to you to shed a little light on the topic of the evolution of any brand, but most importantly, the evolution of your brand.

If you are fortunate enough to have a long, successful business life, your brand is going to change. Your logo will be different. Things will evolve.

That’s a positive thing.

You don’t want to be like Kodak or some other brand that dug their heels in against change and evolution and found their business busted by the rocks of evolution, stranded by a marketplace that had moved on without them.

So, you need to always keep an eye on where things are going and where you want to be.

Change is a constant. Your brand should reflect that.

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There’s always change was originally published on Wakeman Consulting Group