Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group
+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group

PROFITS NOT PROMISES 80% OF CEOs don’t trust their marketing department! Because their teams are speaking in buzzwords not impact and results. STRATEGY, NOT A WISH LIST 73% of businesses are focused on growth! But 45% of businesses don't even know where to start looking for new opportunities. EFFECTIVENESS NOT JUST EFFORT 40% of businesses say they don't have a strategy. Worse, most strategies are just a grab bag of tactics. work with dave

Strategies That Work

Focused Opportunities

Better, Stronger Brands

Stand Out

Improved Business Outcomes

Impact, Not Activity

More, Better Business Opportunities

Targeted, Effective Action

Higher Profits

Make More Money


Dave Wakeman

Is a teacher, speaker, consultant, and writer. He has worked with global brands like American Express, Nike and more to create opportunities, value and growth.