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3 Business Basics You Absolutely Need To Pay Attention To

A lot of times we find ourselves drenched in the minutia of some new fad or idea.

That’s typically our biggest and quickest downfall.


Because we aren’t as well versed in the basics as we need to be to generate the kind of business results that we need to be successful.

In fact, if we spent more time on just operating our businesses in a fundamentally sound manner, we would find our success rates would be much higher.

So here are 3 business basics we should always pay attention to:

1. Your job is to create and maintain a customer: 

We often can lose sight of this most basic aspect of business. But our primary goal is to create and keep customers.

We aren’t in business to “engage” or “advocate” or “gain currency.”

We are simply in business to build customers and, hopefully, customers for life.

2. You aren’t a collection of activities, your business is about producing value: 

Too many times, we get caught in the trap of thinking we just have a marketing business, or a training business, or we are just consultants.

The truth is that those may be the roles and activities that we do, but in reality we are value creators.

Our businesses are built around value creation.

So act like it.

3. Change is constant, but it is also an opportunity: 

You are always growing and changing in your business. This is a fact.

In too many cases, businesses get wed to the way that they have been doing business.

Really you can’t fight change, you have to embrace it.

But beyond embracing change, you need to recognize that change is also opportunity.