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Pujols vs. Pricing

I just opened my Google Reader and saw that Seth Godin posted a blog about pricing which came on the heels of reading the sports section and seeing the news that the St Louis Cardinals and their star player, Albert Pujols had called off negotiations for the season.   Pujols is probably the best player in […]
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NASCAR Is Struggling…But What Can They Do?

I’ve seen a lot of articles floating around the Internet recently about the struggles of NASCAR: failing teams, declining revenues, bottoming out attendance. If you poke around any kind of live entertainment, this is a challenge that isn’t unique for a lot of entertainment options. Anytime you see, 21 of 23 tracks have a big […]
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Is Your Pricing Model Broken?

One of the big issues that almost everyone I talk with is pricing. “People won’t spend money,” goes one argument. “If I get them in cheap, I can raise prices later,” goes another. “Everyone is price sensitive,” goes another. And, on and on from there. The thing about this is that you are absolutely right […]
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What Business Are You Really In?

That’s a big question I like to ask most of the time when I am talking with a prospect the first time we meet. I usually get a cocked head or a stunned look because in many cases, the person on the other end of the conversation has bought the conventional wisdom that they are […]
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Price for value!

Pricing is one of the most problematic issues for companies. Why? Because we all struggle with the idea that we want to maximize our profit, but we don’t want to charge too much compared to the rest of the market. Unfortunately, when you think like that, you sell yourself short. In too many instances, we […]
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