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10 Key Concepts Your Marketing Needs To Address

For many people, the concept of marketing is really still couched in too much jargon and mystery. I’ve found that as I have been going around talking with arts and entertainment professionals, professional services firms, and sports executives, that they all have a different estimation of what marketing can or should do. Here’s the simple […]
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Here’s a wise use of a testimonial…

In working with a lot of sports, entertainment, and hospitality companies over the years, people talk about word of mouth pretty regularly. Along with referrals and testimonials. What you find if you spend enough time around these verticals is that in most cases, the talk is great, but the execution is piss pour. That’s why […]
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Rule #1: Discounts Are Bad, Okay?

One of the first things that marketers jump to when faced with a sales challenge is discounts! Stop! STOP! STOP! Discounts are one of the great brand destroyers and a crutch that has led to the destruction of the retail market as we know it. Think about this, you create a product or service and set […]
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10 Keys To Marketing Success

Marketing is an idea and a concept that is constant conversation on the Internet. And, just because there is so much discussion about it, that doesn’t mean that marketing is always done very well. In fact, with so many self-proclaimed “gurus” and “ninjas” populating the marketing conversation, it is surprising how much poor marketing occurs. […]
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