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Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Change As A Process…

A lot of the things you find yourself reading about change management comes at the issue from the negative, like change is a bad and terrible thing that has to be run for and managed with fear. But the real strength in change is the fact that it is naturally going to occur and that […]
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The Need For Constant Improvement

Can be boiled down into a few things: If you don’t spend time focusing on improvement, things will catch up with you and you will lose your competitive advantage. If you aren’t constantly innovating, you will be surpassed by more nimble competitors. If you aren’t constantly innovating, you can become stagnant.  
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Are You Stuck In Neutral?

As we sit here, still looking at the puppy stages of a new year…one of the ideas that comes back to me over and over again is: “is your business stuck in neutral?” Or, “are you looking at things the same way that you have always looked at them?” Yesterday I had a conversation with […]
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Death To The Paint By Number Job…

There was a lot of interesting things that came out of President Obama’s farewell address this week. One of the most interesting is when he talked about the shape of the changing economy and how it is impacting everyone. When you combine that with this concept that many traditionally Democratic voters voted for Donald Trump […]
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