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Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Managing the lifecycle of your brand

Brands are like every other life form in that they have a lifecycle. Brands are born, they mature, they go into a period of stasis, and they die. Knowing that from the start helps you manage the relationship between your brand and your market in a consistent and meaningful way. If a brand is going […]
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Leading with brand consistency

Let’s be clear, any marketing or branding effort that you take is going to succeed or fail based on your willingness and ability to really, seriously deliver your message and your value consistently. That’s pretty much the key. You can have a terrible market message, but if you deliver it consistently, you have a likelihood […]
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Does Your Brand Convey Its Quality?:

Or, for that matter, its lack of quality and its value at a lower price point? And, really, when you are discussing the idea of branding terms like quality, value, price, etc. are all just doors and ways to get to the concept of discussing whether or not your brand is really telling the story […]
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The role of advertising in branding

To many marketers, advertising is the way that they lead into brand building. This is always the wrong choice. The reasons that advertising is not effective for brand building are many, but the most important reasons are: Its expensive Gaining traction from advertising without a strong brand is difficult Can’t really be used to build […]
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The role of advertising in branding

To many marketers, advertising is the way that they lead into brand building. This is always the wrong choice. The reasons that advertising is not effective for brand building are many, but the most important reasons are: Its expensive Gaining traction from advertising without a strong brand is difficult Can’t really be used to build […]
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