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Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


🔦Brand Codes: More than a Logo!

Death to big logos isn’t the end of brands!  The skinny: Designers are skipping logos in their fall and winter collections.  Why it matters: If this trend holds, brands will need to invest more in brand codes.  Codes? Yes. Those 4-6 symbols that a person associates with your brand.  Think: Tiffany’s blue box The interlocked NY on a […]
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Value and Differentiation

One of the core ideas that I find myself teaching when I teach strategy to companies is the need to differentiate themselves. Or, in the way that I help frame the conversation: “Why you?”   In studying differentiation models over the years, I’ve found a couple different POVs on the art of differentiation.  Rosser Reeves taught […]
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MLB Attendance Down in 21 Markets

1. The Big Story: MLB Attendance Down in 21 Markets:  Big Ideas: Tickets sold vs. through the turnstile is an important consideration. Looking at the top line revenue number is a dangerous habit to have.  I’m sure pricing and the inflationary pressures of going to a game aren’t a problem at all when it comes to […]
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