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Dave's Blog

How do you know you are a guru?

Ha! I don’t know that anyone should ever use that term, but in light of my lady telling our son that I am a branding guru when he asked: “What’s a brand?” I thought I would poke fun at myself and at the concept of the guru: Here’s a list of things a guru isn’t: […]
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How do you define success?

One of the big challenges in understanding your revenue generation and the success or failure of any new initiative is by defining your intended outcomes. I’ve been reading “The Lonesome Dove” series by Larry McMurtry lately and one of the big sections of the first book revolves around Call feeling like all of these highly […]
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Do You Know Your Market?

Any great movie has a protagonist and an antagonist. Think conflict like: Superman and Batman! Or The Rebel Alliance versus The Galactic Empire! Now, what does any of this have to do with your business? Basically everything… Why? Because you have to know who you are attacking. In business, it is all too common for […]
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Do You Know Your Market?

Any great movie has a protagonist and an antagonist. Think conflict like: Superman and Batman! Or The Rebel Alliance versus The Galactic Empire! Now, what does any of this have to do with your business? Basically everything… Why? Because you have to know who you are attacking. In business, it is all too common for […]
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Back To Basics #1: Hitting and Catching

As baseball season is less than a week old, it got me thinking about how spring training is a time when players and their teams start working on their basics: hitting, pitching, defense, situations…etc. And, considering that we spend so much time on our businesses, it is not really something that we ever really have […]
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