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The BIG Ticket: Rumors Say: StubHub Could Buy Vivid Seats?


Fighting a cold today.

So I am getting here later than normal. 

Last week, I had a few things I was looking into because people sent me notes. 

Then, one floating around the ‘Talking Tickets Slack Channel’ made it onto Twitter. 

This built off of Friday’s note about antitrust enforcement. 

And, some questions folks had about when we might see the StubHub IPO happen.

Today, I want to float the question to you:

Would StubHub buying Vivid Seats make any sense?

My initial thoughts:

  • It wouldn’t make a ton of sense for StubHub because there isn’t a lot of customer loyalty. 
  • This wouldn’t help either brand and grow brand loyalty. 
  • It would only work to squeeze buyers and sellers a little more because that would be one less platform for people to sell on. 
  • It would likely just lead to higher prices for buyers and higher fees for sellers. 

I’m curious. 

Take the poll. 

Or, hit reply and tell me what you think. 

You can also jump into the Slack and tell us what you think. 


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