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Total Tickets Looks at the Global Resale Market While a South Korean Official Calls Scalping “Cancerous”!


I’m doing a “First Wednesdays with Dave on Wednesday” where we talk about planning for 2024.

To the Tickets!

South Korean official calls ticket scalping “cancerous”:

Another example of how differently the secondary market rolls in different parts of the world. 

Current South Korean law makes resale illegal at public venues, transportation hubs, and stadiums. 

On-line, totally cool. 

But officials are working to change that. 

What do you think of the allegations including the increase in fraud? 

Magnify Brewing Company partners with Seton Hall on a hazy IPA to support athletics:

Brand partnerships like this have a way of being great for both partners:

  • You bring what you are good at and known for.
  • I bring what I am good at and known for.
  • All of our baggage stay behind.

Would someone mind sending me a few of these? They are only in NJ right now! 

Were Swifties really the biggest resellers on her Eras Tour?

From the information I’ve gathered over the last year, I don’t know if I buy the number that 83% of the tickets resold for Taylor Swift were by her fans. 

Just because the accounts were new, that doesn’t mean that the resellers were fans that were selling tickets to other fans. 

But I’ll be curious about your take on the topic. 

Demographics is basically astrology so looking at winning over new fans by their generation is attuned to calling up your local oracle:

The point here is that you need to look for behaviors. 

Plus, be careful crediting a certain number to a certain cause without proof. 

Messi means big business for Inter Miami

I’m less interested in the short term impact of Messi, but whether or not his participation has a long-term impact on MLS. 

But the numbers are good:

  • $200M+ revenue next season for Inter Miami.
  • 15.4M additional Instagram followers means more top of funnel brand awareness. 
  • Higher ticket prices around the league. 

My question is do you think the ticket prices will hold as high in the second season of Messi in Miami? 

And, do you think there will be a long term impact from Messi playing in MLS? 

83.5% of “potential buyers” have no buying power at all

You know my feelings about data by now:

  • DATA is reactive. 
  • Research is proactive. 

This study found that 5 out of 10 data providers in IT are pulling stuff out of thin air. 

But I really want you to think about the idea of narrow segmentation because it is highlighted here. 

In my experience, it is a bad idea because:

  • You base your tight segmentation off of someone else’s assumptions.
  • Tight segmentation often focuses too heavily on people that were set to buy anyway, leading you to think the ad is what pushed people over the edge. (Last click attribution)

Do you ever think about what kind of incentives you can offer your customers?

One example, when I was living in Seattle and working at the EMP, I kept Sonics season tickets because I usually had evenings free. 

The bonus at the end of the season for STHs that signed up for the membership program was so strong, a sweatshirt that I still have to this day, that I only missed 2 games all season and had a friend scan my card on the other two occasions. 

What do you want your customers do? And, what incentives can you offer them to actually follow through?

Total Tickets looks at ticket resale with a comprehensive exploration of the topic around the world

What’s the most interesting thing you found here? 

Share this newsletter with someone you know that wants to sell more tickets, grow their fan base, or create “Fans for Life”. 

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Sort of a digest, but if you want to sign up! I love you!

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