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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group

How Are You Measuring Your Success?

In working with organizations and their leaders, we always need to come up with measurements of success.

Too often when I ask the question, “What will success look like?” I get blank stares or I get answers that are sort of esoteric and not quantifiable. 

These aren’t very helpful.

When you are thinking about measuring your success, think about it from the viewpoint of what would success mean as a quantifiable result…

Do you want more free time? How much free time are you talking about? An afternoon of recaptured time? An hour?

You want your sales to improve? How much? How quickly? In what areas?

Don’t just say that you will know it when you see it…measure it.