And, I have to admit that I am feeling much better because of it.
Earlier today I tweeted that I have been taking the time to unsubscribe to most of the e-newsletters I get. After reflecting over the last several days, I realize that most of the emailing I do is just busy work. So, the newsletters bit the dust.
Also, I have been known to read all three New York City papers most days, mainly because I like the way that the newspaper feels and I think I like to look for trends, but in truth, I am just flipping pages, getting 2 or 3 takes on the same story, or, as has been the case much too often, non-story.
I’ve also put away most of the Twitter, Facebook, and other stuff. Instead of allowing myself to be tethered to my iPhone or computer, looking to see what I am missing, I’ve pretty much gone MIA, which I think will actually help my Twitter feed because now I will only Tweet stuff that is actually interesting or relevant to me and my followers, friends, etc…
Finally, since I haven’t been flipping through digital world as much, I have done a better job on advancing my big goals for the next several months:
- Finding another stream of income
- Training for an ultramarathon
- Developing a diet that is effective and realistic for people with thyroid problems like I have