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Are You A Leader?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on how to define leadership lately.  (There’s a new project in the works, but I am not ready to reveal it yet.  But soon.) 

Even after all of my reading and research the definition of what makes someone a great leader still is elusive. 

Which is funny because I spent last week at a conference and one of the people that I met while at the conference remarked on my natural leadership ability.  Which I thought was funny because I’ve always thought of leaders as guys like Pat Riley and Bill Clinton, not some guy that got lucky with a ticket brokering company and some entertainment ideas. 

But that got me to thinking more deeply about the qualities of a leader: 

When my conversation was continuing at the conference, I said, “The only thing I think I do is I try to understand people." 

Which come to think of it is a very useful leadership quality, but not something that clearly defines a leader. 

So I thought I would ask, are you a leader?  What makes you a leader?  How do you know?  When did you figure it out?