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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group

Adding More Choices…

The Internet seems to be driven by choice.

You don’t like a certain type of news, there is a choice for you that skews to your viewpoint of the day.

You don’t like a certain song, changing it is easier than ever before.

You are looking for something to distract you, sure…no worries.

This goes on and on and on.

Somewhere we have confused the idea with more choice meaning we will make better choices.

This plays out all the time in business because we have entered a world where more and more choice is available to you.

Almost everything you can or might want can be a commodity, if the person selling it isn’t careful.

That’s everything from products to services.

The only problem is that while we have been adding all these choices, even chasing them, this has led to a world the buying habits are worse. Buying decisions are filled with more anxiety and distrust. And, more sales are just walked away from.

But that’s okay, we can keep adding more choices because its easy.

Or, maybe we should work harder at being unique and offering fewer, but more meaningful choices?