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Are You Really Thinking About Your Core Competencies?


It is pretty easy to get distracted by the next big thing.

You know, like a dog and a squirrel…whatever is new, faster, shiny, whatever. It all looks like a great opportunity and can be a bunch of distracting.

But most companies don’t really need to worry about the latest or greatest. They do better to start by focusing on their own competencies and what they do better than anyone else.

Start with your strengths and build from there?!

What a concept.

Here’s a short primer.

1. Where are your strengths? 

What do you do that no one else can do?

What would people miss about you if you were gone?

2. Is there strength in dealing with people?

Are you customer focused?

How does that make you different?

3. What motivates your buyers?

How do you create value for them?

How do you create change?

4. Change:

This lies in the area of motivation.

Without change, you are a commodity.

You aren’t a commodity, are you?

5. How does your core competency develop others more fully?

What does your product or service do that helps others grow?

6. How do you ensure that you keep growing?

What do you do to keep your competencies from stagnating and becoming anchors?

7. How do you sell your core competencies?

Are they the lead in your marketing and selling efforts?

If not, how can you get them there?

8. Focus on excellence:

Don’t just be very good…make sure that your core value is even bigger, make it excellent.

9. Make sure you are always IDing them:

They should be growing and changing as your business grows.

10. Innovation should be a natural part of your business:

Innovation is a part of every business.

If you aren’t planning how to innovate, your business is going to fall behind. So make sure you are always looking at how you are going to innovate within your core competencies.