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What is really in a frame?


When we talk about marketing, we are often talking about positioning and ownership of a phrase, word, or feeling in a person or group’s mind.

The challenge for many brands when it comes to positioning is that they have taken no control over the activity and are at the mercy of the market.

Positioning and framing your message and your image is pretty key to successfully marketing your organization.

To make sure that you are not boxed into a corner that you don’t want to be in, here are 3 tips to make sure that you are positioning your brand in the proper manner.

1. Begin with the value you create and what you want your audience to remember you for:

If you have followed along for a while, you know that the lead question you need to answer when you are making a strategic decision is:

“What is the value we create or hope to create for our clients and prospects?”

To begin the process of positioning your organization in the right manner, you have to start by understanding what your value is and what is the image you want to create of your brand for your clients and prospects.

Because you don’t want to find yourself several years down the road, thinking that you are selling a Mercedes level service, but finding out that your clients really think of you as a Yugo.

2. Understand who the audience is for your product or service:

A lot of times brands get confused in selling their products and services to the wrong people.

To make sure you aren’t putting yourself at danger of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, make sure that you understand who your audience really is and understand what is meaningful to them.

This enables you to put your image right in front of them in the right manner.

3. Always collect feedback:

You need to always be aware of where you are and what your brand is doing in the market.

That’s why collecting feedback about yourself is so important.

If you know that your image is taking a hit because you aren’t selling the right kind of value, you can make the adjustment if you are listening and collecting feedback. If you aren’t, you are likely to find that your brand is taking a wrong turn. And, if you aren’t careful, it is likely that the brand can be off track so long that repair is extremely difficult.