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Is Your Messaging Going In The Right Direction?:

'I think we took a wrong turn.'
‘I think we took a wrong turn.’

The cartoon above illustrates something that is pretty common to all of us at some point, the question of whether or not we took a wrong turn.

When you think about life, that question arising at some point seems like a given.

But do you ever take the time to think about it in regards to your brand?

It is pretty common that brands, like people, get redirected in a manner that is not effective for them.

But how often do you step back and ask a simple question: “Is our brand leading us where we want to go?”

For many of us, that answer might actually be no.

What do you do then?

Here are a few ideas:

1. Ask yourself where it is you are trying to take your business:

It is a simple question that I return to over and over again, but where do you want your business to go?

What is the value you are creating now, but more importantly, what is the value you want to create in the future?

And, is the brand you have built taking you there or is it evolving in a manner that helps you get there?

2. Are you giving off mixed signals?

Is your brand trying to do too many things at once?

Is your brand trying to be everything to everyone?

Is your brand unfocused?

These are all questions you should be asking yourself so that you can make sure your branding isn’t leading you down the wrong road.

3. Has your brand grown stagnant?

Sometimes you can end up going in the wrong direction because of lack of attention.

It is pretty easy to take your eye off the ball and allow your brand to fall into a rut.

Like a garden, your brand needs constant attention and care.

If you are always trying to grow your business, you are going to need to always pay attention to where you are leading your business.

So don’t go too long without looking at your brand and deciding if it is growing stale or if it remains vibrant.