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What’s The Frequency, Kenneth?

Do you remember that R.E.M. song from the mid-90’s? And, the attack on Dan Rather that spurred the title?

Maybe you do, maybe you don’t.

But the reason I mentioned it was because it highlights a challenge that a lot of us face when we are working on getting our marketing message out…and that is: what exactly are we trying to say?

In crafting a message, whether you are dealing with a product or service, it is important to spend some time thinking about:

What it is you want to say?

What action you want your audience to take?

And, will the message you are delivering meet these goals?

So what are some of the things you should look at to make sure your message is really delivering in the manner that you want it to?

1. At the end of the message, what do I want to have happened?

I’m sure you have seen those ads that leave you scratching your head.

Maybe you don’t have any idea what the product was?

Maybe you don’t know how to buy something?

Maybe you left with a poor feeling about the brand?


In any of these cases, the message didn’t deliver the message that the company wanted.

So make sure you spend some time thinking about what it is that you want your audience to do at the end of your message.

Do you want them to buy something?

Sign up for something?

Vote for an issue?

2. Are you creating the right emotions?

No matter what you are selling, you need to create an emotional response in your audience. If you don’t, no sale will occur.

So are you hitting the right emotional note to get the reaction you want?

3. How am I going to measure the success of this campaign?

Like a lot of marketing, if you don’t know where you are going any road will get you there.

So before you get too far along, always keep in mind that you need to know exactly what success is going to look like for you.