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What Are You Doing To Maximize The Success Of Your 5 Crucial Missions?

mission murray

In business, we are all tasked with just a few really important missions and how well we deal with them determines our success or failure.

The real, truly important missions we deal with are just 5, but their success can be the difference between long term success or failure.

Here you go…

How are you dealing with these mission critical challenges?

1. Increasing Revenue:

Businesses are here to grow and keep customers. Customers equal revenue…be that dollars, votes, attention.

How well are you growing your revenue?

2. Improving Efficiency?

On top of building customers and revenue, you want to be an efficient organization.

That means you are controlling your costs, your processes, and not just wasting time, money, and effort.

How efficient is your company?

3. Cut expenses:

Are you doing enough to control costs?

4. Increase stock value:

If you are not in a public company, skip this step…

But no matter what company you are in, the value of your organization should be growing.

That transcends public or private organizations.

How are you making your organization more valuable?

5. Regulatory Compliance:

are you in line with the law?

These are your 5 missions as a business and a leader…how are you doing?