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People have the power…


When I write my monthly piece for the Project Management Institute, I’m often surprised by which pieces have the most resonance with people.

In the past few months, I’ve had exceptionally high engagement, feedback, and newsletter signups…and I think I can point that back to the idea that they have been especially human-oriented.

I’ve written about how you need to promote yourself, how you need to communicate, and how project managers are at their best when they are leading people.

As I’ve been shut down with no power over the last few days, I’ve also been reminded of the power of people to make things go a little bit better.

Friends, neighbors, and strangers have come out to be empathetic, pull together, and offer assistance.

Which reminds you of all the good things that happen in communities and teams.

And, I think I can’t say it often enough…don’t underestimate the power of people.