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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Marketing vs. Advertising?

I think too often people confuse the two.  You might ask, “Aren’t they basically the same thing?” The short answer is “no."  A longer answer would take many, many pages, but I want to give you a few quick examples so that you can start thinking about the ways to differentiate the two.  1.  Advertising […]
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‘The $100 Startup’ Experiment

Recently I have been posting a bit about a new book The $100 Startup.  Now that the book has hit shelves and e-readers everywhere, I am going to post a series of experiments and projects based upon the chapters of the book.  For the lack of a better description, we will call it The $100 […]
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A Retail Experience….

I was never really that into retail experiences, unless it was a bookstore until the Apple Store came along and made buying a computer feel like a huge discovery. But I really appreciate an article that I saw in The Daily about the NYC store Fivestory. The story highlights something that I think isn’t just […]
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What Do You Want To Hear

I’ve been toying with the idea of putting together an occasional podcast and I was wondering what you would like to hear?  In the past I’ve done a few on sports and music, but nothing on business, marketing, leadership, etc.  So if you have some ideas for guests or topics, fire them over.  I’d love […]
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