Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group
+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


The evolution of this blog…and site.

Just the other day, this site turned 4 years old. Which means it is slightly older than Cormac…who knew?  Anyway, over the years it began as just a blog and has slowly evolved into a home for my consulting business…nothing fancy, but a place that you can come and find my blog, my services, my […]
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The Process Always Wins!

In consulting and business, you hear a lot of talk about “issues” and “problems.” Most of them share a common theme in that they are often symptoms of a larger issue. One that too often isn’t addressed before it begins causing the organization troubles and one that is too often overlooked by consultants because they […]
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You Don’t Need a Ninja or a Guru

Or, whatever other term is in vogue at this moment.  If you are hiring a consultant or an employee, snazzy buzz words, emphasis on tasks performed, or lots of smoke and mirrors won’t do you any good. The only key driver of any decision should be the results that someone is going to provide you. […]
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Rethinking the Role of the CIO

I read this article in Strategy + Business about the cycle of CIO turnover in large corporations. The article is well reasoned and the points are all relevant.  But the challenge comes down to leadership. The article says that there is a large percentage of CIOs that report to the CFO or someone else…but don’t […]
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Buzz Words

Some of the buzz words that are floating around now that have either no discernible meaning or had meaning that is totally lost: ninja guru content social connected This is a short list…and I would really love to know what yours are.
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