You’ve got to keep it real…
Branding can mean a lot of different things to different people. It most certainly can. Which can lead to people making all sorts of decisions about their brands that may or may not make sense. And, I get it, it is hard to manage your brand and it is hard for you to know if […]
Your Brand Is…
At the end of the day, your brand is really about one important thing… What the world thinks about you without you saying a word. Some of us have great brands and they speak for themselves. Others of us, are still working pretty hard at building our brands. Some of us have brands that have […]
The true role of advertising in branding
A lot of people lead with the idea that advertising is going to create, grow, and maintain a brand, but the truth of the matter is that advertising won’t play much of a role in the creation and growth of your brand. But once your brand has reached a point of relevance, advertising can be […]
3 Ways To Generate Some Brand Building Publicity
Rule #1 of branding is that you build your brand through publicity! So that means that the press and PR isn’t a nuisance, but an actual asset to your business and something that you should be spending a tremendous amount of time cultivating. But how do you garner that brand building publicity? Here are a […]
A great brand has focus
We have all been in a position where we have been distracted and unfocused in what we are trying to do or what we hope to accomplish. What happens when this occurs is that we really have a difficult time figuring out where we want to put our attention or accomplish. The same can happen […]
12 Keys To Branding
There are any number of books on branding and it can’t be understated how important your company’s brand is to the long term success of your organization. While no list of ways that you can build a better business brand will ever be complete, here are 12 keys that you can use pretty consistently if […]