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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


10 Ways To Make Your Brand Sing!

Hey! Guess what? You have a brand, even if you don’t think you do. That means you need to think about the ways that you can make the brand sing. While I have written again and again about the power of your brand, it pays to repeat yourself from time to time. So here are […]
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What is really in a frame?

When we talk about marketing, we are often talking about positioning and ownership of a phrase, word, or feeling in a person or group’s mind. The challenge for many brands when it comes to positioning is that they have taken no control over the activity and are at the mercy of the market. Positioning and […]
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Boldly Go…Where?

Right now there is a lot of talk in the press about the potential of a Twitter sale to any number of potential suitors. Who knows if any of them will come true. But the premise that drives all of this acquisition talk is the idea that someone like Disney or SalesForce or that “one […]
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