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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


The Law Of Averages Suggests…

The law of averages is one of those things that people talk about to the point of cliche. When I am talking with sports teams that are still wed to cold calling as their primary form of prospecting, they talk about the law of averages when they are discussing their sales ratios. When I deal […]
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Most B2B Advertising Fails…

Most advertising is a rip off, even today with all of the conversation that flows around new technology and measurement. But still, most advertising fails! Why? Because it focuses on the wrong thing. Flip through any business magazine and look at the pages and pages of advertising, my favorite is Businessweek. Go through the pages and […]
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Branding: It Can Be Your Own Little Magic Trick

Branding is one of those words that gets thrown around indiscriminately today. I’m a brand! You’re a brand! He’s a brand! She’s a brand! We are all brands! Unfortunately when you use a word like that, it becomes largely meaningless and slips into buzz word central, just like other words like synergy, client centered, and […]
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Here’s a wise use of a testimonial…

In working with a lot of sports, entertainment, and hospitality companies over the years, people talk about word of mouth pretty regularly. Along with referrals and testimonials. What you find if you spend enough time around these verticals is that in most cases, the talk is great, but the execution is piss pour. That’s why […]
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