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+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Are You A Leader?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on how to define leadership lately.  (There’s a new project in the works, but I am not ready to reveal it yet.  But soon.)  Even after all of my reading and research the definition of what makes someone a great leader still is elusive.  Which is funny because […]
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Is A Calorie A Calorie, Or What?

Since I am a big believer in the fact that 80%+ of what you achieve as a runner is dependent on your diet, I have been doing a lot of posting on dietary thoughts and such.  Today is no different.  In watching the HBO obesity series and reading a number of books on food, exercise […]
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Money Monday For You!

I had a lot of fun being right about the Facebook IPO and it has nothing to do with thinking Facebook sucks or hating Facebook or anything like that. Because I actually like Facebook and think its incredibly cool what they have built. I revel in being right because I can’t stand the frenzy that […]
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What I’ve Been Reading Lately:

I’ve typically got 2 or 3 books going on at once, and lately isn’t any different.  So here are a few of the books I have been working my way through with links to get descriptions and such.  Daniels’ Running Formula: This is a great book for anyone that is trying to improve their running.  Its […]
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Marketing vs. Advertising?

I think too often people confuse the two.  You might ask, “Aren’t they basically the same thing?” The short answer is “no."  A longer answer would take many, many pages, but I want to give you a few quick examples so that you can start thinking about the ways to differentiate the two.  1.  Advertising […]
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