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Losing The War On Talent Is Easy Enough

But when I begin to question and dig a little, I find that the “leadership gap” is being caused by 2 primary drivers: 1. Not empowering employees to make decisions so that they can learn to take control of situations. 2. Stupid HR policies and management practices that turn talent off from joining or staying […]
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Leadership Vacuum…

Recently I have thrown around the term “leadership gap” a lot…because I have heard it a lot. As I have been working with and talking to clients and leaders in organizations, I have begun to realize that there isn’t a “gap” so much as a vacuum. When I say “leadership vacuum,” I mean that because […]
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Are You Adding Or Subtracting?

Dave Trott over in the UK wrote a great short blog post today called “Strategy Is Sacrifice.” It is brilliant because in a short analogy, Dave differentiates strategy for those that might struggle with it generally using wartime aircraft to show that subtraction is often the most necessary thing. In most of the strategic projects […]
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Responsibilities of Communication

Communication at its most basic is a transfer of information between two living beings.  Yet, as a society, we spend a lot of time focusing on the talking aspect of communication. When the real money is made in the listening, where people can tell you their wants, needs, desires. But as communicators, both senders and […]
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