Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group
+ 1 917-705-6301
Washington, DC 20008
Wakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting GroupWakeman Consulting Group


Ongoing Development

One of the challenges I see in a lot of organizations is that as they grow, they don’t do a very good job of on boarding their project based tasks into their operations.  Another thing I see a lot, is a failure to develop and mentor team members, managers, and staff on some of the […]
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Are You a Guru or a Ninja?

It isn’t really a question. In fact, if you are calling yourself a guru or a ninja in your marketing efforts, I want you to put down your device and take a few minutes to think about what you are really doing.  Because if you need to use words like ninja or guru to describe […]
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A lot is made of the old saw that states “the harder I work, the luckier I get."  And, in a lot of ways it is true. But not because you are working harder…or getting luckier.  Its more about the motion and the way things collect around an object in motion.
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Sales Is Everyone’s Job…

I read a lot of articles about how to get non-sales people to bring in leads.  But a greater point is that sales should be everyone’s job in the organization.  The sales function and sales process is much like the marketing process in my view…something that should be engrained into the whole of the organization. 
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Branding & Marketing

Steve Jobs is said to have hated the use of the words “branding” and “marketing.” I get it. The stories about Apple talk about how Jobs was obsessed with adding so much value that it was just obvious that you would buy their products.  And, in the conversation about branding and marketing these words are […]
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