I read an article during some recent travels that said one of the most in demand skills was the ability to market. Which makes a ton of sense. I get while marketing is in constant demand and why the marketing that is offered up in most cases seems to be less effective than ever. I […]
Organizational Architect & Chief Storyteller I mention this because I’ve been reading and re-reading a lot of business books over the last few weeks and Seth Godin’s ‘Lynchpin’ stands out as an extremely valuable book of career advice. Which brings me back to me ideal title and why: First of all, minus odd jobs that […]
I was trying to go through some of the blogs I read this morning and came across this article on AdFreak about Duncan Hines’ producing a racist cupcake commercial. I was intrigued because the still shot of the ad showed little black cupcakes with pink lips…which isn’t the best image to have spread all […]
For a long time I have thought about writing a novel called What I Was. I always felt that this described the journey I had taken in my life, through the different incarnations that made up Dave, and have often been left behind by a quick flick of the wrist and an ability to reinvent […]
Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy 1/25 Chuck Klosterman IV by Chuck Klosterman 1/25 Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson 2/1 The Diving Bell And The Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby 2/2 Men and Cartoons by Jonathan Lethem 2/8 Cracking The Code by Thom Hartmann 2/11 Snow by Orhan Pamuk 2/27 No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy 2/28 101 Essential Tips-Wine by Tom […]