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Total Tickets Looks at the Global Resale Market While a South Korean Official Calls Scalping “Cancerous”!

Hey! I’m doing a “First Wednesdays with Dave on Wednesday” where we talk about planning for 2024. To the Tickets! South Korean official calls ticket scalping “cancerous”: Another example of how differently the secondary market rolls in different parts of the world.  Current South Korean law makes resale illegal at public venues, transportation hubs, and […]
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“Drop and Give Me 20…”

David C. Baker’s book, The Business of Expertise, has a really great exercise in it called “Drop and Give Me 20”.  He shared a video from Chris Do that talks about the exercise :https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xCCoQT-5mlc?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0 One thing I find that folks struggle with is their differentiation.  In my language, “Why you?”  Consider this your value proposition, the reasons […]
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2 Pieces I Shared Recently…Brand Resources and Black Friday (On Cyber Monday)

Happy Thanksgiving in America… So I’m sharing two timely things with you today that I wrote in other locations: On Strategy Showcase Talks to Mark Ritson About American Marketers… Today, Fergus O’Carroll has Mark Ritson on to talk about his column on American marketing effectiveness. I wrote a piece when Mark first made his comments with my thoughts on […]
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