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Your Job Is To Not Waste People’s Attention


One of the major challenges of modern marketing and advertising is that we can’t seem to overcome the onslaught of noise that crowds us.

I’m not sure what the current statistic is, but I think the average person gets more information in a week than people received in a lifetime in the 1500s or 1600s.

Whatever the case is, what we are dealing with is a tremendous overload of information, data, and noise.

That means that when we are lucky enough to get someone’s attention, we have something precious.

This means that once we do get attention, we can’t waste it.

That’s the challenge that is facing too much advertising and marketing today, it isn’t designed to keep your attention.

It is often designed to be just a little bit better than the other crappy advertising that is being produced.

The idea that being just a little bit better at interrupting someone is pretty bad. Because when attention is precious and hard to come by, being a little different isn’t going to mean too much.