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10 Ways To Make More Sales In 2018


I’m playing with a new backend for my blog to help me reestablish the ability to auto publish my blog to Twitter.

As a way to ensure that this thing works, I’m going to give you a quick bonus post with 25 ways to make more sales in 2018…just spitballing here.

Brainstorming in action:

  1. Talk to more of your targeted buyers: We’ve all been there, taking a meeting with anyone. That sucks your energy and likely cuts down on your sales, let’s not do that again this year.
  2. Focus on outcomes: If we listen to people around us, we might hear that everyone is price sensitive. That’s true if you don’t raise your perceived value. Raise your perceived value by focusing on outcomes.
  3. Ask for referrals: Salespeople don’t do this nearly enough. I know that it is exceptionally rare for sales agents to do it in sports business and several of the other areas that I work with regularly.
  4. Prospect more: We all can do more prospecting. I can guarantee that. If you aren’t prospecting enough, you won’t have enough meetings.
  5. Improve your closing rate: I don’t necessarily love the idea of always be closing, but I think if you measure your closing rate and increase the shots you take…you’ll make more sales.
  6. Focus on creating higher customer spend: All sales are always good sales. If you have a customer you want to make sure you give them the chance to maximize the money they invest with you.
  7. Get repeat customers: An area that a lot of us neglect is making sure that the customers we have stay as customers. Retention can help boost your sales in 2018.
  8. Try new modes of prospecting: We have inbound sales, outbound sales, inside sales, outside sales, email marketing, and a bunch of others. The cool thing is that with so much options, we have a pretty good chance to try something new that might improve our prospecting. So make a little time each day to create opportunities to improve and grow your prospecting tool kit.
  9. Find ways to use marketing concepts to open sales conversations: I’m a big fan of creating opportunities for sales and marketing to work more closely together. And, I think the best salespeople in the future are going to think about sales with the POV of a marketer. So to open more sales opportunities this year, think about how you can act more like a marketer by creating events, or connections, or opportunities to talk with your market.
  10. Focus on self-improvement: Like all parts of business, sales is changing rapidly. Your job is to stay ahead of the curve so that you don’t become a sales dinosaur. You need to make self-improvement a part of your life. Maybe try to read a book on sales a month. Subscribe to a blog or podcast. Whatever, invest in yourself. That’ll help you make money.