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3 Essential Strategic Questions Your Organization Has To Ask


Any strategy is really built on the back of  a series of questions.

The key for your strategy is that you need to ask the most targeted and focused questions you can so that you can have the information you need to make your strategy effective.

Over time, I have broken all your strategic questions down into 3 essential questions that you can use at any time to identify the way to maximize your strategic efforts.

1. What is the value we create or want to create for our clients?

You must start with you and the value you want to create.

Everything that you can and will do must flow out of the idea of the value that you can create for your clients.

2. Who can use it and will buy it?

All of your value conversations and your strategic effort needs to be focused on reaching buyers…people that can appreciate your value and can buy it.

Too often, we think we are going to work our way up, but that is a tough and expensive road to hoe…one that isn’t usually easier.

So you need to be focused on buyers.

3. How do we reach them?

This is the fun question.

This is basically marketing 101.

If you know your value and you know who you are trying to reach, the decisions you will make about how to reach these people much simpler.

This means if you know what material a person looks to for information, you can go there.

Are there conferences?

Are there referral partners?

Are there speaking opportunities?

Where can you go?

These are the essential three questions that you need to ask and answer over and over again to maximize your strategy and your strategic efforts.

So good luck!